Objectives & Benefits

Primary Objectives of this Certification program :

1.  Help schools or organizations increase their pool of Certified Character Education Practitioners by providing quality training and mentoring towards passing our high standard of Certification;  and

2.  Help schools or organizations raise their status  by increasing and reporting the number of trained and experienced Character Education Practitioners.  The effort and investment  schools or organizations put in to develop their teachers clearly indicates their commitment to Character Building,  making sure that Values are put into their teaching practice.

We strongly encourage co-sponsorship,  this Certification will benefit both parties :  candidates and employers.

Project Objectives

  1.  Demonstrate understanding of certain Character Education principles and concepts; 

2.  Identify an important aspect of Character Education to apply to a real-life school setting; 
3.  Demonstrate competency in teaching and using as a means to improve students’ lives,  the classroom environment and/or the culture of the school.

For More Information,  Download Flyer HERE

Contact Us :  admin@Character-Institute.com  or Phone (65) 6546 5801

We become just by the practice of just actions, self-controlled by exercising self-control, and courageous by performing acts of courage.  – Aristotle